Now in its fourth season, with 46 episodes aired, Game On Glio was the first of its kind to create a media platform for telling the stories and journeys of those diagnosed with brain cancers such as Glioblastoma. Expanding on its original platform, this show shines a light on grief and loss, brain cancer education and stories, and provides inspiration, hope, and second chances! Guests include caregivers, scientists, therapists, patients, widows(ers), non-profits, relationship experts, well known personalities, and authors. The mission of this show is to find a way to give a voice to those that need it most, bring education and advocacy to brain cancers, grief and loss, and to tell stories in the most unique way. There’s always hope! Host--Shannon (S.M.) Traphagen **Disclaimer-this podcast is not a medical podcast. It is designed to offer guidance and information, tell stories, offer hope, and advocate for those dealing with these topics. While medical experts are on the show, questions regarding your medical care should be directed to your primary care doctor or contact the resources on the website to obtain further information.
Wednesday May 29, 2024
S4 Ep 2: "One Man's journey from Scotland to the Boston Marathon" -Guest Alan Johnstone
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Wednesday May 29, 2024
How can you comprehend become a widower at 35 years old after 16 years with the one you love? How do you make sense of losing that spouse (only 33) 11 months after giving birth to your first child?
This is exactly what Alan Johnstone faced when his young 33 year-old healthy wife Anneka was diagnosed with glioblastoma five months after giving birth to their daughter Sienna. Six months after diagnosis, Anneka was gone. Sienna not even one year old.
Game On Glio traveled to Boston Massachusetts to spend some time with Alan, his daughter, Anneka's mother as well as Alan's mother (both of whom are absolutely lovely and a joy to be with) and dive into his story. And we were there to cheer him on!
Hear this amazing story and how brain cancer brought a man from Scotland here to the States to run the Boston marathon for brain cancer.
(Read more of this story on our website thegameongliopodcast.com)
Season Sponsors:
GammaTile Therapy
Imvax Inc.
Episode Sponsor:
Wednesday May 08, 2024
S4 Ep 1: "We are what we grow beyond" -Guests Vikram Bhaskaran & Dr. Rohan Ramakrishna
Wednesday May 08, 2024
Wednesday May 08, 2024
To kick off brain cancer awareness month 2024, I sit down with Roon app creators Rohan Ramakrishna & Vikram Bhaskaran in episode 1 of Season 4 of The Game On Glio Podcast.
We dive into the importance of real time information and the need for advocacy when it comes to serious diseases like Glioblastoma. My guests also explain why they felt the need to create an app like Roon.
The Roon app offers people an opportunity to get extensive information from actual clinicians and doctors, to search for questions they didn't get to ask with their own personal doctors, and to hear from mental health experts, patients, caregivers, and holistic practitioners.
Season Sponsors:
GammaTile Therapy
Imvax Inc.
Episode Sponsor:
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
S3 Ep 12: ”Tackle What’s Next” -Guest Eric Wood
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
When Eric Wood sat in a delivery room supporting his wife as she gave birth to their child, he didn't expect to find out that his NFL career was over. It was 2018 and the middle of the football season; Wood had played his entire career for the Buffalo Bills football team, but his path there was narrow and included a bit of destiny. Wood knew full well how fortunate he had been, especially since he had already seen loss and challenges in his life. So, when another challenge knocked at his door, Wood rose to the challenge and overcame it.
In this episode, Wood sits down with me to talk about tips to help overcome challenges, gain confidence and what it really means to "win" (hint: it's not what you think). We also discuss the importance of being grounded in life and in relationships and how his faith carries him through life.
This is a powerful holiday episode you won't want to miss.
**extended audio version. For video, visit our YouTube Channel.
Season Sponsors:
GammaTile Therapy
Imvax Inc.
Episode Sponsor:
UBNS (UB Neurosurgery)
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
S3 Ep 11: ”Hope for the Holidays” -Guest Kate Glaser of Hope Rises Network
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
In this episode, Kate sits down with me to discuss the power of hope, faith, family, and never giving up--even when you think all hope is lost.
Her foundation, Hope Rises, shares hope-filled news every single day, as well as hosting powerful giveback projects. To date, they have raised over $300,000+ and change countless lives through charitable efforts of love which include the Shine Gold fundraiser for pediatric cancer and fundraising for veterans at WNY Heroes.
Learn more and find out how you can donate to Hope Rises by visiting our website thegameongliopodcast.com
You can listen to this episode or watch it over at our YouTube channel (Game On Glio Podcast).
This season is sponsored by GammaTile Therapy and Imvax Inc.
Episode 11 is sponsored by UBNS
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
S3 Ep 10: ”The Power of Faith in Grieving” -Guest Amber Jackson
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
When Amber Jackson met her husband Tim, she describes it, "He came across my sky and lit it up, and now he's gone just as quickly."
Amber and Tim were both nurses at the same hospital, and very quickly realized they were soulmates and meant to be together. Within five years they got married and had two beautiful kids.
Then it all came crashing down when Tim was diagnosed with brain cancer.
Amber shares her story of resilience, caring for 4 small children, one of whom has special needs, and navigating being single while carrying space as a young widow.
Listen now!
Season Sponsors: GammaTile Therapy, Imvax Inc.
Episode Sponsor: UBNS
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
At the time of his diagnosis, Chris Baccash had a full time analytics job and spent his weekends racing and training with the Doylestown Bike Works elite cycling team. His accomplishments included the hardest event of the season — the 50-mile Bucks County Classic, in his hometown of Doylestown, PA, with a personal-best time.
Of cycling at the time, Chris says, “When else do you get to ride through a beautiful countryside, side by side with a good friend, and have an uninterrupted conversation for five hours?”
After being diagnosed with brain cancer, his perspective on what was important in life changed, “I knew that my situation was going to take a while to get corrected and I would have a chance to reprioritize,” he said. “It’s rare that we get these opportunities to pause and stop the show. I thought, ‘This is an opportunity to change my life.'"
And that is what he did. Hear Chris's remarkable story and what he is doing today.
Listen now!
Season Sponsors: GammaTile Therapy, Imvax Inc.
Episode Sponsor: UBNS
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
S3 Ep 8: ”A 5 year old with GBM shows us how to be brave ”--Guest Kelly Barnhart
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
It's hard enough to imagine a young adult getting glioblastoma. But to hear of a baby having it truly tugs at the heart strings.
Kelly Barnhart shares her incredible story with us of her 5 year old son Carson's GBM story.
A mother of three, a wife, and an educator in the Buffalo school system as well as through Buffalo Hearing and Speech, Kelly has made it her mission to share Carson's pediatric cancer story to highlight congenital glioblastoma.
Listen now!
Season Sponsors:
GammaTile Therapy
Imvax Inc.
Episode Sponsor:
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
S3 Ep 7: ”All We Can Do is Slay One Dragon at a Time”--Guest Laura Dill
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
It's an old phrase, one that has actually been around since the 11th century when Saint George slayed his first "dragon." The more recent old English proverb is "Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you." Basically we win some, we lose some--BUT we always keep going, and we slay one dragon at a time.
That is life; life throws us curve balls and all we can do is wait for the next pitch and hope we connect in a positive and meaningful way. And, that's exactly what our guest today has done.
Laura Dill is the founder of the Slay Society Inc., a charity that promotes a healthy experience for caregivers and those living with Glioblastoma by providing funding to families, and access to counseling, information, and group programs to individuals with Glioblastoma, their families.
Listen now!
Season Sponsors:
GammaTile Therapy
Imvax Inc.
Episode Sponsor:
UB Neurosurgery
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
S3 Ep 6: ”StacheStrong is my Grief” --Guest Colin Gerner
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
StacheStrong is a 501(c)3 non-profit devoted to raising funds and awareness for brain cancer research in memory of the late GJ Gerner--Co Founder Colin Gerner's brother. The organization has become a beacon of hope for countless individuals and families afflicted by brain cancer.
In this episode, Colin recalls, “It all started with a seizure. My 29 year old brother had a seizure. We figured, well we hoped, that it was just dehydration--you know something minor. I followed the doctor into the hallway and it was no longer a question – he told me they had found a large brain tumor. ”
Listen to Colin's powerful story.
Season Sponsors:
GammaTile Therapy
Imvax Inc.
Episode Sponsor:
MimiVax LLC
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
S3 Ep 5: ”I Live Every Day with Stoic Wisdom” --Guest Mike Hugo
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Mike was diagnosed with glioblastoma in April of 2022. 13 months in, he is doing well and stronger than ever--but it comes at a price.
“I know the statistics,” he said. “The statistics for glioblastoma are a median survival of 14 months; half the people are dead by 14 months. The five-year survival is four or five percent.”
Mike found the tumor after a seizure while driving home led to a car crash. He woke up in the hospital with a broken back, but it was his brain scans that would change his life. Ironically, Mike works in neurological medical device sales, and his wife is a clinical research analyst. So, when he saw his scans, he knew it was cancer but never would have thought it was GBM.
Hear his remarkable story.
You can watch a special video of our guest singing an acoustic version of "My Little Girl" with country singing legend Tim McGraw.
**Book referenced can be found on our website thegameongliopodcast.com
Season Sponsors:
Imvax Inc.
Episode Sponsor: